Group september 2024_2


Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants
Group september 2024_2
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  1. Römermann, Christine, Prof. Dr Mananging Institute Director; Head of the plant biodiversity group Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants

    Otto-Renner-Villa, Room 103A
    Philosophenweg 16
    07743 Jena

    Christine Römermann
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  2. Gennerich, Ines Team Assistance Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants
  3. Bucher, Solveig Franziska, Dr PostDoc Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants

    Otto-Renner-Villa, Room 102/103
    Philosophenweg 16
    07743 Jena

  4. Deilmann, Till J. PhD student Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants

    Inspektorhaus, Room D103
    Fürstengraben 26
    07743 Jena

    Till Jonathan Deilmann
    Image: Nicole Nerger/Universität Jena
  5. Gregori, Christian-David Technical Assistant Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants
  6. Körschens, Matthias PhD student Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants

    Inspektorhaus, Room D 103
    Fürstengraben 26
    07743 Jena

  7. Kühn, Paul PhD student Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants

    Otto-Renner-Villa, Room 104
    Philosophenweg 16
    07743 Jena

    Paul Kühn
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  8. Mašková, Tereza, Dr PostDoc Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants

    Otto-Renner-Villa, Room Raum 104
    Philosophenweg 16
    07743 Jena

  9. Naumann, Janin Technical Assistant Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants

    Otto-Renner-Villa, Room E005
    Philosophenweg 16
    07743 Jena

    Janin Naumann
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  10. Rauschkolb, Robert, Dr PhenObs Coordinator Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants

    Otto-Renner-Villa, Room 105
    Philosophenweg 16
    07743 Jena

    Robert Rauschkolb
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  11. Silva Cala, Andrea Lizeth PhD student Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants
  12. Ulrich, Josephine PhD student Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants

    Otto-Renner-Villa, Room 104
    Philosophenweg 16
    07743 Jena

    Josephine Ulrich
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  13. Walther, Gabriel PhD student Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants

    Otto-Renner-Villa, Room 104
    Philosophenweg 16
    07743 Jena

  14. Ziegler, Antonia Therese PhD student Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants
  15. Vincze, Anna, Ph.D. PhD student Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants
  16. Schroeckh, Silke Technical Assistant Professorship of Biodiversity of Plants

    Philosophenweg 16
    07743 Jena

External PhD Students
Carolin Plos The relationship between phenology and functional traits in the face of climate change (MLU Halle, Co-supervision together with I. Hensen)


Bachelor and Master Candidates
Luise Schidlo How does microclimate influence the phenlogy of the winter aconite? - A study of flowering patterns of Eranthis hyemalis in the Rautal in Jena Master thesis EES
Prajakta Giri The effects of endophytic fungus on the performance of insect herbivores on poplar trees Master thesist EES (extern, MPI-CE)
Marco Patrzek Comparative analysis of phenological patterns in herbaceous species on different spatial and temporal scales Master thesis EES

a list of former Bachelor and Master projects can be found here

Carolin Plos wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin 2021-2022
Christina Grün-Wenzel Scientific employee Goethe Uni Frankfurt 2009-2013, since 2013 associated with FSU Jena
Desiree Jakubka Scientific employee 2019-2021
Dr. Emma Jardine PostDoc 2018-2019
Patrizia König Scientific employee 2011-2018
Dr. Birgit Lang Scientific employee 2014-2018
Dr. Maria Sporbert Scientific employee 2019-2021
Dr. Susanne Tautenhahn PostDoc 2014-2017